Look at this score!


Active Member
Hey guys, I was at the local "thrift store" today, looking for 4" ducting, and whatever i could find for cheap, and look what i stumbled on!

It has a minute timer, and 24hr timer in it, along with a 12v transformer, and a small rheostat as well, for i dunno what. I thought who the heck would have given that away there, and what was it used for? Then i found a schematic in it, and at the bottom was " Canadian Hydroponic" on it! SCORE! There was a small bag along with at least 60 extra brass timer "trippers". NICE, i'd imagine building a panel like this new would cost at least 300.00 here. And get this, I got it for FIVE DOLLARS! yep, 5 bucks. DECENT!