lookey here.


allright. first time grower long time smoker. Amyways, I just got a grow tent that measures 60x60x140. my first question is how many plants can i grow in there. I'm using a 125w blue spectrum cfl for veg and i'm going to add a 200w red spectrum cfl for flowering. my second question is, in these conditions and with the right nutrients what sort of dry wait might i be looking at? and finally if i got a 400w Hps, what would it cost to burn it for 12 hours a day?(electricity). your help is apreciated troops. oh and i'm growing big bud:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
probly like 40$ extra a mnth max... look at urhydro bill and see what u pay per killowatt an hr... multiply that by .4(ur 400) then multiply that times 12( ur 12 hrs of flower light) then times that by 60(ur estimated flowering time)... but that area is too big for a 400w anyways... 3x3 is what u shuld work with for a 400w... as for how many plants??? depends on how big u wanna get them.. do u plan on a sog or short veg time or a one time deal wit a long veg???


Well-Known Member
oh and with a comercial strain like big bud a sog would be ur better choice.. jus fill the room with single colas... even if u dont have the time or dont wanna deal with the work of every 2 weeks... do it so u harvest mnthly


i'm from the uk and my measurements were in cm.:hump:. if any1 could give me rough answers to the questions that i asked earlier, that would be great. cheers:joint:


Well-Known Member
THERE IS NO ANSWER TO THE QUESTION MATE!!!, all depends, on many factors, if i were u id invest in a 600w HPS, and ditch the tent, good air flow, right temps and area, u would look at a nice crop of big bud


Well-Known Member
if my math is correct, your tent is roughly 2.5ft sq. and 5ft tall? you should plan on one square foot per plant, so you can put 4 into your tent. It will be pretty full. A 400w hps will do you good for flowering, and the afformentioned formula for figuring the cost of the light is pretty straight forward. plug in your numbers, should be around $40 (american) per month. As far as yield, from 4 plants I would hope to get between 80 and 112 grams. hope this is helpful, happy growing.