Looking for a good price on a single perc, or double...


Active Member
Looking for a Nice bong for a good price, I have been looking on the web for quite a bit just can not find anything NICE for under $300.. Medium- Large size bong with a single or double perc. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Will give + rep for help! :leaf:

Sr. Verde

Theres a double perc with double ashcatch (6 pins) at the Trails near by for about $150

Just clear glass nothing fancy

Have you looked at any shops?


Active Member
Yea, local headshops got some good priced percs but they look cheap, and the owner has some PHX, but lowest i could get him down to is $215, but I am only looking to spen like $150, depends on what I can get away with buying online and to the door price, may just save up an wait for the PHX.. But I need a new bong ASAP :/

Sr. Verde

Yea, local headshops got some good priced percs but they look cheap, and the owner has some PHX, but lowest i could get him down to is $215, but I am only looking to spen like $150, depends on what I can get away with buying online and to the door price, may just save up an wait for the PHX.. But I need a new bong ASAP :/

Wait it out, youll thank yourself when you have that PHX in your hands

See if you can get the piece at the shop tax free?