looking for a temperature controller for exhaust fan


Active Member
hi growers

im using a phresh hyper fan V2 150mm https://adelaideorganichydro.com.au...FBr3ccG7ZQ_kv_I8H3Ru-prVKxiWH8_BoC9k4QAvD_BwE

im getting sick of needing to manually adjust the fan speed when lights are on and off etc so looking for a temperature controller that will do it for me . i know phresh makes one for the hyper fan V2 but im not willing to spend the asking price for it

is their some other product thats compatable with the hyper fan V2 and cost less or am i shit out of luck and just have to buy phresh temperature controller
That fan looks large and powerful. What size space are you growing in? Are you seeking something that’s speed adjustable based on temp? Others here will know more, but curious for some clarification.
hi growers

im using a phresh hyper fan V2 150mm https://adelaideorganichydro.com.au...FBr3ccG7ZQ_kv_I8H3Ru-prVKxiWH8_BoC9k4QAvD_BwE

im getting sick of needing to manually adjust the fan speed when lights are on and off etc so looking for a temperature controller that will do it for me . i know phresh makes one for the hyper fan V2 but im not willing to spend the asking price for it

is their some other product thats compatable with the hyper fan V2 and cost less or am i shit out of luck and just have to buy phresh temperature controller
If you dont care about fan speed and just want a simple temperature control an inkbird controller would work fine. It is just on and off though so you will get alittle odor leakage here and there.
If you dont care about fan speed and just want a simple temperature control an inkbird controller would work fine. It is just on and off though so you will get alittle odor leakage here and there.
i might have a look at that . yeh that woudnt work lol . i will just have to guy one made from phresh. i would of thought a 3rd party product would be made but dont matter
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I use a simple, analog heat/cool thermostat wired for cooling in line with a bathroom humidity controller to do those chores with my exhaust fan. I have a very chilly basement and the humidity is low here so without nice hot HID lights my room never gets warm enough to switch on the exhaust fan.

A ceiling fan controller is plugged into that unit to run the exhaust fan at half speed and can be seen to the left of the temp. RH controller.



Has worked great for over 20 years tho I have replaced both controllers a couple times in that period. $20 each on sale at Canuck Tire.

DIY for the win!
