Looking for advice w/ pic


20140526_102505.jpg 20140526_102453.jpg 20140526_102446.jpg 20140526_102436.jpg This is my first time growing and my seedling don't look right and havent grown much and the leaves on 1 are curling down. This is day 3 since they have broke surface.
They are in starter pellets.
PH 5.5 to 6.0 currently.
No neuts (have go box)
Under 2 23 watt cfls 18/6
Watering 2 times a day with small spray bottle.
Small fan running to circulate air
79 to 80 degrees

Now is there anything I'm doing wrong. Or am I just over worrying?


Well-Known Member
So long as 2 of the 3 have their little wings pointing up, they are fine, balance your kelvin tho, the only comfortable cfl is one around the 4000k level balance your cool white, 6500k with some, warm red 2700k, for correct internodel spacing, and correct shape

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
nothing wrong with those seedlings, and I did not think your lights were too close.

I place my 23 watt CFL on newbie seedlings less than 2 inches away, and about 1 inch once they are a few days old

do not rush on the nutes, wait 3 to 4 weeks then use lightly

Your pH should be ~ 6.5 for soil....the range you stated is for hydro

BTW: you will need more lights, and/or tag-team with sunshine


I was wondering about using bio root from my nuet box when I transplant it says it's good for root growth maybe a super small amount?

BioRoot® is a natural root growth supplement that helps plants establish healthy and vibrant root systems. It contains vitamins, enzymes, organic and humic acids that stimulate root growth. BioRoot is outstanding for seedlings and cuttings, helping young plants develop strong and massive root systems. For mature plants BioRoot will maintain health by improved nutrient uptake. Use BioRoot with any garden soil, potting mix, or other growing media.
It's rated 1-1-1


So now it's day 5. The plants are going nicely I moved the light a little closer and added .5ml of bio root to 1 gal and been feeding 2 times a day. 20140528_181326.jpg 20140528_181330.jpg 20140528_181335.jpg