Looking for an adjective please.


Active Member
I'm looking for a certain kind of high and i would appreciate if someone could help me out. To make it clear and cut i'm looking for a certain high and i don't know what kind of weed can produce a certain high. The high I'm talking about is the one that makes you want to get off the couch and stretch every single muscle in your body because it feels so good :). I know there are a bunch of different kind of highs out there. That is why i ask for your help in directing my towards the right weed. I search strains and they say they give "stoned" feelings and "euphoric" feelings. Can anyone help me out with putting an adjective to the high i'm describing, so i can research proper strains to grow. P.S. i'm sorry it's hard to describe what I'm getting at. Thank you:joint:


Well-Known Member
I can answer your question in a different way...

For someone trying to dial in a very specific buzz, the descriptions as well as other's opinions are pretty worthless to you. You can't know for sure until it's in your bloodstream. Weed affects different ppl in different ways.

But generally speaking, straight indicas will be too "down" for you and straight sativas will be too "up", so you're looking for a hybrid. So basically, anything in the middle -- get a variety and see what you like best!


Active Member
That makes sense, to each there own. I'll start looking around and thank you that was general direction i needed :)


Well-Known Member
That makes sense, to each there own. I'll start looking around and thank you that was general direction i needed :)
Exactly, and not only to each their own, but you'll get variance in the buzz by phenotype, and even by differences in growing method (esp. concerning harvest/curing).

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
straight sativas will be too "up"
not totally true. sativas can have couchlock too. my favorite strain is STILL circa 1985 columbian gold for it's light trippy buzz and floaty feelings it gave, but if you blazed it all day, it'd eventually couchlock you and after a month of waking and baking it, i'd take a week or two vacation from it to get my tolerance back down. kali mist, on the other hand, just TRY sitting down on THAT!

i think, you're probably like me OP, you're not really looking for a "specific" adjective, you just hate being couchlocked.

euphoria is a "happy buzz" and you can get that in any energy level from speedy kali mist and similar C99 down to stonier couchlocking fare like skunk #1 & jillybean with one of my favorites, 8 miles high right down the middle with a perfectly energy neutral buzz that's all playful fun seeking euphoria with a little bit of a warm body glow that isn't as much couchlock as it is mellow.

if there was ONE adjective you're looking for, it's probably

after that, do want a trippy buzz that heightens your senses? those are fun until you overdo them, but they also can make you paranoid too with all of the thinking they provoke. so far, the best indoor i've smoked is high quality seed's haze x skunk which is a little less visual & trippy than columbian, but easily more sticky & potent and maybe longer lasting too with only a hint of "lead eye" that never gets in the way of the single minded motivation level

do you want euphoria? KM & C99 offer that in racy & energetic, but clear headed fashion. i haven't tried laughing buddha yet, but that one sounds like it has serious euphoria like jilly bean, but in a much lower couchlock package.

creativity is another fun trait. it isn't really reported on enough, but i think sativa dominant buzzes tend to have more of it, but remember reading long ago that silver pearl was a particularly creative strain, though many descriptions i've read for various strains mention making art & music.

there's a really wide range of effects out there, but it sounds more like anything you're definitely on the sativa side of motivation and don't want any couchlock. i DESPISE it when a buzz slows me down even a little because i started out spoiled on columbian gold and was super pissed wheni scored my 1st couple of indica buds for just $8, but didn't get high off either... then got more pissed that they never went away and getting high never came back.

if you want a really good indoor strain i won't grow (only because of the name), try TGA sucool's jack the ripper which has a great haze buzz, but finishes in 9 weeks. i'd buy it in a heartbeat if it had a non-violent name and if you want trippy, sannies' killing fields has a buzz someone here called "talk to your dog trippy".

hope that helps. glad to see another person going against the indica flow and trying to get high again


Active Member
Hazey Grapes you are dead on with what i'm looking for. You're right i just hate sitting on the couch all day after smoking. i enjoy getting up thinking and just feeling my self as I truly should.. I Am definitely looking for that euphoric heightened sense high that I can just walk around the woods for hours on and explore my mind and feel the ground beneath my feet. I rarely get paranoid, but I'm game for anything that can push me that much closer to being.

I've been smoking indica most of my smoking career seeing how i never educated my self and always bought from someone. But now with this new knowledge you have given me i will defenitly find the right high. I'll look into those strains you have suggested and order as soon as i can. Seriously you are a saint i've spent days trying to figure out the right strains, but there are so many i get lost trying to find something as simple as "motivational and functional high". I as well would love to find a creative strain as well. Thanks a lot Hazey Grapes.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
hey, glad to help. my whole point in talking shop in forums is to try and steer people back towards getting high. one of my early dreams when i still had a little idealism left was to grow some thai (not practical indoors really) and just give the shit away so everyone wakes up to the fact they're overpaying greedy dealers for shit that doesn't get you high. getting stoned literally pisses me off and depresses me, but getting high is the funnest thing in life.

i'd suggest if you want activity euphoria, go for C99 (or maybe even JW's C99 x A11) or kali mist if you want something a little more exotic worth waiting for

get HQS' haze x skunk, though A LOT of breeders have their own haze (or thai) x skunk (or lemon skunk or cheese) that should be comparable or even better. i'm NOT a fan of that particular one's yucky cigar wrapper with hints of ashtray flavor, but it's not as bad as diesel or catpiss and it's totally worth it for the WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than street beasters buzz! you want motivation? that strain helped me to quit drinking a six pack of tall ones a night cold turkey AND unintentionally started me on a diet when i was having too much fun & keeping too busy to give in to hungerpangs and once i realized i lost 5 or so pounds in a couple weeks, i started a carbs only diet of mashed potatos, rice & pasta and lost something like another 5 pounds. that's not a strain for lightweights or clearing a 3 foot bong chamber on, but if you measure your dose, it's really old school.

if you want something a little mellower, 8 miles high is awesome. it's a really well behaved buzz with plenty of euphoria that isn't too racy to chill on, but that likes finding fun stuff to do. unlike haze skunk which still has a little lead eye from the skunk #1 stone, it has no stone at all. i think it's a really cool strain that's just right for any occasion. maybe mandala shoulda called it goldilocks.

if you really want euphoria though, try laughing buddha. i think that one was bred specifically for that trait, though ALL of these have euphoria in them. i'll try to get a report on that by next summer, but you could always just buy a single bean of that at attitude & clone it cheaply AND get 3 freebies including greenouse's lemon haze (haze skunk) that might be pretty good although they have a rep for spotty quality, but it's a freebie, right?
that special will run from the 4th through the 7th as that's the first fri-sun of the month when they always run their newsletter special and you'll get at least one more freebie (UFO) or more depending on how much you spend if you buy there.

i'm glad to see someone wanting to get high. i think most of the members at the first two forums i joined were mostly cash crappers just looking for srains they can make the most money off of, but i see a lot of members here are growing a lot of superior stuff that needs more patience TLC fir that THC.

here's to hoping you share what you grow with friends and family so they start demanding to get high too. in today's market, too many people have forgotten what it's like, given up trying to find better gear or don't even know there's an alternative. i started out on trippy ass columbian gold (read my "funny" report on the very first time i got high and some other choice experiences on it at this link if you're interested)

or read this smoke report thread that compares all of the most old school strains i've tried so far with comparisons between them.

i totally dig your enthusiasm man. i'd plus rep ya again for it if i could. here's to hoping that getting high makes a comeback. there's a lot of potential for it to start becoming cash croppable if people start breeding autoflowering lowryders and fast flowering, but not stony C99 with IBLs. if AK47 can be shrunk to just 18 inches, then 4 foot tall hazes should be doable.

kudos for seeking quality first. the world needs more of that and less of
"gimme gimme gimme now now now!"


Active Member
Hazey Grapes, I'm really glad to see we share some similar views. I Agree it's just so silly that dealers are growing "Stoney"weed in their closets and dishing it out to people like a factory. I moved out of my home town about 3 months ago and decided that i wanted to grow. Until now i never realized what kind of weed i was smoking and thought, "weed+me=coach". Which this is a total lie! the moment i read about sativas my mind did a flip inside my skull. I didn't realize how much people just wanted to make money off this beautiful plant and grow basically just indicas. But now with days worth of research, and your gifted mind, i'll be able to get the high I've truly been looking for. Hearign you talk about these kind of highs just makes me so excited to know that there is someone out their who gets what I'm looking for.

Your philosophy is an amazing one i must say and your right people like money and people like weed. The quicker and more you can grow the better return in your pocket. it just blows me away at how much indicas are just flooding the market, giving people who can't grow or just want a good time, sitting on their couches eatting everything in sight. Don't get me wrong indicas are great for medicinal and sometimes just relaxing, but their is just no variety where i came from.

Looking back i think i only encountered maybe one or two almost true sativas and they were to say the least F***ing crazy like seriously other worldly. Now it's my turn to share these experiances with my friends and return "like you said" the high back to the people who have never enjoyed a sativa. I'm just really looking forward to talk to you more about the strains you seemed so well educated about.

Those strains I'll definitely give a try. i might just get some lemon skunk, laughing buddah or kali mist because i only have room for 3 plants in my grow. I'm really looking for a trippy/get up and go high as well as a clear headed go to school high and I'm hoping those will do the job. One last question and seriously you have been amazing with all this information, what strain did you mention give a trippy kind of high. you may have mentioned it, but it was kind of hard for me to pick out exactly which strain it was.

Thanks a million Hazey Grapes, you most definitely just shaped a brighter future for me.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
glad to help!

for trippy, i really like high quality seeds' haze skunk (so far) but plan on trying other stuff out. it sounds like sannies' killing fields might be even trippier, but i just don't like the name and won't try it. the one strain i'm eager to test though rokerj (or something like that) amnesia haze as it uses super silver haze which is trippier than skunk #1 and cambodian which SHOULD theoretically be trippier than haze making it a superior cross and the breeder calls it "psychedelic". it's only about $8 for a single, so it's a painless way to test drive it and see how it compares to haze skunk. i tell you though, if sativa seeds haze #1 is just their nirvana brand H19 skunk renamed, that might be better than HQS' version as when i started some H19, it was stretchier & thinner leaved than HQS' more afghani leaning version, but it's still anything BUT stoner bud!

i don't think you'll like lemon skunk as much. it has a nice euphoric high i bet, but i think it's just a pheno of skunk #1 like cheese is. it wouldn't be trippy, just euphoric with a stone. i definitely like Sk1 better than street beasters, but get bored with it when it gets stoney. i think what you might be looking for is a lemon skunk CROSS... lemon HAZE. that would compare closer to haze skunk and taste better. if that's what you meant, go for TGA subcool's jack the ripper. there's another strain i WISH didn't have such a fugly name because it sounds bitchin' based on the reports i've seen

laughing buddha is a good bet for a lot of euphoria

and if you want more clearheaded euphoria with a lot of get busy energy, try C99 or kali mist. C99 in particular is the closest thing to a "cash cropper" strain in this company (45-50 days flowering... NOT shabby!) with jack the ripper being the next fastest at 9 weeks and trippier i bet and i'm pretty sure everything else will take 11 weeks or more, but that's what it takes if you want "your weed sucks skunk ass! try THIS beotch!" gear. you WILL make at least a few smokers jealous of your stash. i know after 10 years of being pissed off at stoner bud, i offered $120 for an EIGTH (no shit!!!) of kali mist when i was gifted a gram of that.

read some of the grow reports here... especially look for strains with haze in their name. there's a lot of decent to freakin' A gear out there, but only headstash snobs and "big buck" dealers are growing it. i'm inclined to think that those who do grow stuff that gets you high are much more likely to just give it away as they aren't greedy bastids and they have real pride in their ladies.

i know i felt like a REAL "head" when i'd only been smoking a couple months and blazed an old druggy school mate out on columbian gold and once he realized how trippy it was when he too saw that wheatgrass swaying in a breeze looked like "weird headed aliens marching over to the car". and said "whoa! man that is some good shit!"

i wish i'd been able to say that to any of the greedy bastids i've handed money over to. any stuff that's got me high after the 90s has been a freebie or smoke out.

i haven't tried any TGA or sannies gear, but would trust it to be awesome as i've yet to see a complaint about either and a LOT of raves & smiles for both over the years


Active Member
I've made my decision and I've decided I'm going to get some Haze #1 from nirvana. Next grow around i'm probably gonna dish out some big bucks for some Kali mist because that stuff looks like some epic stuff. I haven't grown yet so i wanna get something under my belt before i dish out for something like that. Thanks for all these strain suggestions, I'm pretty excited to try some other of these strains later on. Kali mist......

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
I would go with a hybrid.... Im currently in 2 weeks veg with a f1 hybrid called chrystal from nirvana seeds.... So far so good with great reviews.... check into it...


Active Member
I would go with a hybrid.... Im currently in 2 weeks veg with a f1 hybrid called chrystal from nirvana seeds.... So far so good with great reviews.... check into it...
I was actually looking into that one earlier. I'll check out some smoke reports on it and see what I get. Kind of off topic but what was your germination process including sprouting. I failed on a batch of 10 seeds from nirvana so trying to gain some knowledge. Got almost all to sprout but they died :(

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
I was actually looking into that one earlier. I'll check out some smoke reports on it and see what I get. Kind of off topic but what was your germination process including sprouting. I failed on a batch of 10 seeds from nirvana so trying to gain some knowledge. Got almost all to sprout but they died :(
I havn't read 1 bad review yet... My veg process consists of taking all ten seeds (however many you want) and plcaing them into a shot glass with steril water... I then place the shot glass on a cookie sheet... I then take a coffee cup and place it over top of the shot glass to prevent any light leakage... I then place the cookie sheet into my gas oven where its warm because of the pilot light and do not look at them again until 24 to 30 hr,s later.... I then check them.... I take the ones that have cracked open and plant them into my red solo cups filled with a mix of happy frog and oceans forest soil with added perlite about a quarter to a half in. deep.... The ones that havn't cracked I simply put back into my oven checking them every 4 or 5 hours until they pop.... Sometimes the shell doesn,t open fully and has a hairline crack thats barely visible to the naked eye.... Take your finger and stir the seed or seeds that are floating at the top of the shot glass, If they sink, they are viable and ready to be planted... Keep in mind , I do not turn my oven on.... The oven off with the pilot light seems to be the perfect temp for my seeds......
All 10 of my seeds sprouted and are vegging nicely.... 8 out of 10 fully cracked the shell and had a little tail... While the other 2 had a hairline crack and sank to the bottom of the shot glass when I stirred them around....
IMO you can't go wrong with nirvana seeds, There stuff being so cheap you have to wonder about them... But time has shown they have great genetics with their crosses and they have a huge fan base... I would personally order through attitude also, great service and they throw in free seeds... Make sure if you do order from attitude you wait until Nov. 1st to get the best deal with the free seeds and type 420 in the code box for a 10 % discount (maybe you know this already)....Best of luck man...

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
I failed to mention I slit the red solo cups on the sides from top to bottom in about 3 or 4 spots around the cups. This allows for easier access when transplanting, not to mention it lets you know when they have enough water also.... After planting my seeds I water the soil down good until water seeps out from the sides of my cup... I dont water again for a couple days... Don't let the soil dry out... Keep the soil moist but not drenched... I use a 4 ft floro light for the first week and a half of my seedlings life keeping the light about an inch away...I also have a humidifier and keep my room about 55 to 60 % RH... Seedlings and vegging plants like high humidity levels... I also keep my temps between 74 and 80 degrees farenheit... After my seedings have grown there first 2 sets of leaves (minimum) I place them under 400 and 600 watt metal halide lamps about 2 ft. away from them.....


Active Member
Ok thanks for the advice I'll definitely try the oven trick. Yeah i got the seeds to pop with the shot glass technique, it was just my seedlings just died on me. I had them in a humidity dome in rockwool with a heat pad. I put my t5 180w on above them too. i think it got way to hot for them and they died. But i don't want to turn off the heat pad as i feared they might get to cold and die. Can they stand getting cold while the lights are out and heat pad is off at such an early stage of life?

P.S. thanks in advance :)

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
I've never put mine on a heat pad.. AS long as you have them off of the cold floor and any other cold surface and keep your temps pushing 80 the first week or 2 , you should'nt have a problem....


Active Member
I've never put mine on a heat pad.. AS long as you have them off of the cold floor and any other cold surface and keep your temps pushing 80 the first week or 2 , you should'nt have a problem....
Yeah my temps stay at about 64 degrees with out the heating pad and i would definitely like to keep them higher for germination. I'll hopefully find a middle ground in my tent. I mean even with my fan exhausting it gets to about 100 degrees inside the dome..... this is with light and pad on. maybe ill invest in another timer so i can get the pad and light on a different timer.