Looking for any input on how to build RDWC with PVC



I'm new to this site and RDWC, I am very interested in building one. My first question is How many 5 gallon buckets is needed to support a 100 gallon epicenter?
Also, where would I find more reading material on how to build RDWC.


Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I am not sure what an epicenter is but there is a TON of information about building a DWC. You should look on this thing people are talking about, I think it is called "The Internet"


Well-Known Member
nevermind that ass... i believe the "epicenter" would be your res. 100 gallon res. would support a LOT of 5 gallon dwc sites. I would say at very least 20-30. theres quite a few variables. quite honestly I could tell you exactly what you need to do, but i don't feel like writing an essay on deep water culture...

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
nevermind that ass... i believe the "epicenter" would be your res. 100 gallon res. would support a LOT of 5 gallon dwc sites. I would say at very least 20-30. theres quite a few variables. quite honestly I could tell you exactly what you need to do, but i don't feel like writing an essay on deep water culture...

Oh...OK I am the ass, at least I told him to look on the internet. You have the information and refuse to share it. Who is the ass now ???


Much respect due, I appreciate the responses to my post. I should have stated previously that I am quite familiar with DWC. The problem that I am having is that there are no clear instructions on the internet on how to construct a RDWC with pvc. There are plenty on using black hosing. By the way thanks for the post. Any info would be much appreciated.
