looking for electrician, west valley


Active Member
Retired caregiver moving to a new house near 99th and Mcdowell and am looking for an electrician to re-do the wiring to a bedroom for multiple 1000watt lights. Can pay quality meds and cash.
I am sure the original post has had his needs met by now, but figured since I am new to these forums I would let people know that I am an electrician with 20 years in the trade so if anyone has any electrical questions or concerns let me know, would love to help...:idea:
One reason for the amnesty push and other actions is that Big Gov hates an underground economy. It's hard to tax trades and cash only transactions.
Guy's i need help..... Can i run my regular 110v appliances (ballast, fans, ect...) off 3 phase power ????????????????
Yes you can...typically most 3 phase systems are made up of 3 120v hots...there are exceptions and you need to make sure what type of system you have..you can have a high leg delta which is where you middle leg or b phase when measured from hot to neutral can either be 208v 240v etc...just make sure the phase you are attaching your circuit to has 120v hot to neutral and hot to ground...3 phase is basically the same as your residential panel just with 1 more hot...