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I want to do a run of Cheese and GDP. What is in your opinions the better Cheese and GDP strains that are available.
Kg beans when he has in stock or ugorg#1 or ugorg bx from ugorg seeds proly be worth a look mate those will be closer than most to the cut as for gdp idk who id go to for that oneI want to do a run of Cheese and GDP. What is in your opinions the better Cheese and GDP strains that are available.
They used to be ok but there nothing like cheese tbh a nice afghan skunk at best plus the two i mentioned are for sure working with legit cuts buddhas was always questionable if your going for cuttings then try and get brightsides cut if possible its the original one if not then get the exodus cut the thing is cheese from seed isnt ever gonna be bang on nothings 100% some are closer than others of course take ghs " exodus cheese" s1 for example they label it exodus cheese when infact it was actually brightsides cut they used he gave them it dont get me wrong theres some nice plants in there but none really that stick close to the mother seems some hybrids work better with it like say blue cheese than straight cheese in seed i guess a ril would be a good route to try for it but no ones did it with it yetCheese seeds I’d go for Big Buddha Seeds. Micheal of Big Buddha a actually just passed away last month as well RIP. They have a pack called Freeze Cheese I am very interested in. I don’t know anyone who holds the 89’ Cut anymore. The Exodus and UK cut are still around I think. For GDP I’d go with Kens. Cloney has the Clone only heirloom from the 2000’s but it’s 200-400$ (he just dropped his prices it was 1-2K smh) I’m sure you can find someone to trade you for it if you have something worth trading. There are a couple people on here working with GDP as well.
For GDP I’d go with Kens.
There’s a reason for that, Ken lost his genetics, a while ago.where can I find those seeds? I haven’t seen anything online yet. They don’t sell them on his site…
where can I find those seeds? I haven’t seen anything online yet. They don’t sell them on his site…
Theres some good stuff in there but in all honesty cheese s1s from anyone will not be super close to the mother still worth running but yeahHonestly for cheese ive always wanted too grow Exodus Cheese from greenhouse seed company! they sell for 38 dollars at my local seed bank!
Aye connoisseur genetics are good too mate true therePurple cheddar from connoisseur genetics, it’s GDP x exodus cheese.
I think he may have recreated it using the brightside cut when he split with trucanna, could still be the same.
I ran a cut for years. I don’t have it anymore but it still does the rounds where I am with some of the growers. Pungent/berry/musky/cheese, mouthwatering!!!
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As @conor c mentioned, KGBeans and UGORG both have great work too if you can get it.
Purple cheddar from connoisseur genetics, it’s GDP x exodus cheese.
I think he may have recreated it using the brightside cut when he split with trucanna, could still be the same.
I ran a cut for years. I don’t have it anymore but it still does the rounds where I am with some of the growers. Pungent/berry/musky/cheese, mouthwatering!!!
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As @conor c mentioned, KGBeans and UGORG both have great work too if you can get it.
Yeah I don’t think that’s right at all, especially when the majority of the boys in the states talk shit about Euro and UK breeders. Then the minute attitude opens up a US based bank, they’re all crying about not being able get karma beans because they’re sold out… hilarious!@GreenestBasterd Aye there cut was the same but think true lost it and so did ojd too but they got it back they think so they can still make crosses with it independently of course most folk with the brightside aint online types think thats why they were struggling for a bit to source it idk but they got it now at least and supposedly theres a dude in america selling clones of it now on one hand it is always good its getting out the other its straight up wrong as that cut was always gifted never sold that was the conditions and to me it just shows a lack of respect for brightside imo thats why it was given out two cuts at a time one to keep one to pass on
True that mate i get what you mean tho man you aint wrong lol i never understood the need to say ones better than the other there is good shit wherever you go u look hard enoughYeah I don’t think that’s right at all, especially when the majority of the boys in the states talk shit about Euro and UK breeders. Then the minute attitude opens up a US based bank, they’re all crying about not being able get karma beans because they’re sold out… hilarious!
So it won’t be long before that cut gets a shit name, from shit growers, and crossed to all the fuckery bland strains with silly names, only to be released in an overpriced “drop”.
I sound like a right moaning old fuck hahaha.