Looking for PS or Xbox Smoking gamer buddys post your gamertags please!


Well-Known Member
Ok so Im looking for people to game with but let me be clear before I post.

1. People that keep up with their messages , and can respond briefly
2. People that when I see them logged in, ts actually them, not thier kids of family on netflix or youtube day and night.
3.People that smoke.

If you meet these three criteria I will add you to my friends and log some fun with you. If you have PS5 xor Series X thats a plus but any PS or Xbox will do. Thanis and happy gaming.
Nah Fortnite and Mindcraft arnt my speed, and Im not trying to play with kids. Any adult smoker that wants to post your gamertag and console type, I will add you.
Xbox: BIGxWIGxCPT call of duty.

Me and some friends who play call of duty, started a clan called Tripple OGz. Old dudes only. I’m 54, Wizzy 54, Iceman 50, Screwface 51, Smoke eater 56, Duke 63 and Little Spy a 64-yr old Rastafarian from Cincinnati. We are the core of the clan and we do have some dudes in their 40s but below 40-yrs not allowed. We were just tired of the young stupid shit from Kids and young adults. In our lobby we laugh, joke, talk about our aches and pains and don’t care if we lose because we’re just having fun. In our lobby you hear coffee sipping and Kush coughs.
Xbox: BIGxWIGxCPT call of duty.

Me and some friends who play call of duty, started a clan called Tripple OGz. Old dudes only. I’m 54, Wizzy 54, Iceman 50, Screwface 51, Smoke eater 56, Duke 63 and Little Spy a 64-yr old Rastafarian from Cincinnati. We are the core of the clan and we do have some dudes in their 40s but below 40-yrs not allowed. We were just tired of the young stupid shit from Kids and young adults. In our lobby we laugh, joke, talk about our aches and pains and don’t care if we lose because we’re just having fun. In our lobby you hear coffee sipping and Kush coughs.

I got 5 more years to go til I can join the varsity team
Ps name DAVIEBOINZ playing on ps5. Playing call of duty black ops currently. But have a few other games I play regularly.