Looking for recreational marijuana dispensaries Suffolk County NY


Active Member
Not sure if this is the right forum but someone out there has to know.
I'm originally from long island. Moved to tx then TN which has strictest laws on marijuana.
I'm back in my on long island (Suffolk County) for a week and lost all my connections from 15 years ago.
I want to cut out the guesswork and find some good dispensaries. The less time searching the more time smoking.
Help. I have only shake left from tn. Maybe 3 hits if I'm lucky.
I recommend growing at home. Huge money saver for an initial investment. 100% with it, plus it’s great for mental health.
I agree. I need a good strain more sativa dominant. Not too knowledgeable about seeds. I grew last year but it was luck I came across seeds. New to growing. Wasn't sure if dispensaries sold seeds but they do. Live in a state that has strict laws and not legal but the benefits out weigh the risks especially if it takes the place of prescription meds for mental health.
I need a strain for anxiety and adhd