Hello have been browsing the site cant seem to find an actual search option other then scrolling through pages of threads. I am a first time solo gardener. I have seeds on the way and need to be ready within the next couple of weeks. A few things im wondering about are...
Lighting inside my tent, I was thinking of using 400w MH for vegging and 400w HPS for flowering time. My tent is 4x4 by about 6 ft tall. Will 400w be too much heat? I dont think so but im wondering. Also is there a certain brand of bulb that is better then others? Not on a super tight budget but not looking to go broke either.
Soil..? I am wanting to go organic, looking for a pest free sterile medium are there any brands I should use or avoid?
Cfls? I have read they can be good run down the sides for extra lumens is it worth the effort?
I will be growing in 3 gallon pots to start dont plan to let plants get too tall before putting into flower.
Thank you for all your help info advice in advance.
Lighting inside my tent, I was thinking of using 400w MH for vegging and 400w HPS for flowering time. My tent is 4x4 by about 6 ft tall. Will 400w be too much heat? I dont think so but im wondering. Also is there a certain brand of bulb that is better then others? Not on a super tight budget but not looking to go broke either.
Soil..? I am wanting to go organic, looking for a pest free sterile medium are there any brands I should use or avoid?
Cfls? I have read they can be good run down the sides for extra lumens is it worth the effort?
I will be growing in 3 gallon pots to start dont plan to let plants get too tall before putting into flower.
Thank you for all your help info advice in advance.