Looking for someone to share there knowledge

First time grower I moved up north and have tons of land swamps gardens ect ect I have started growing 3 plants since June 30th all planted the same day 2 in 1 pot 1 in the other they all are in sync from smallest to biggest today I transplanted them into there own big pots for the rest of the season. I'll be posting pics of them tomorrow. Also this weekend ill be buying 10 to 20 seeds to experiment with, so all ur knowledge would be cool.


Well-Known Member
Depending on how far "north", you do not have enough time left in the outdoor growing season. That said, I'd be prepared to move them indoors to finish flowering and get a better jump on things in 2014.


Active Member
You've got lots of time. :) days haven't gotten short enough or cold enough yet for you to worry.