Looking for something new.


Well-Known Member
Bag seed from about 4 different sources. All seem to be indica dom, fat ass fuckin leaves. Wish i could name drop.


Well-Known Member
I'm hooked on Bodhi for this year.
Right now: Superstitious, Blueberry Hill, Sunshine DayDream, and Goji. Some bag beans from an awesome sack.
Starting next week, Pagoda and Lemon Zinger, Got a couple freebies I may pop after weeding out some of the inferiors, or ones I don't care about.
Got a few other randoms I plan on popping here and there. I do plan on picking up something from ACE/Cannabiogen, some indica, maybe the China Yuanna. Probably going to go heavy indicas this year, towards landraces, and older strains.


Well-Known Member
Bag seed from about 4 different sources. All seem to be indica dom, fat ass fuckin leaves. Wish i could name drop.
Thats what I'm talking about, those lovely fat indica leaves! Good luck, and hope its awesome smoke! Bag beans are a surprise!
All sounds pretty good. Thinking about going through attitude... maybe something from nirvana.. went there years ago. Seemed to be pretty good yields, but i would love something more potent. Just so many names out there, and don't want to waste any money or time.