Looking for viable seeds for a LEGAL hemp grow!


Well-Known Member
I hoping someone can help me out here. I am trying to locate either seeds or clones of a HEMP strain for an outdoor grow. All I can seem to find so far is sterilized seeds for food and nutrition. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am willing to travel and take care of you in. Thank you in advance.


Well-Known Member
Why? Do you have a license to grow hemp?
are you thinking you may hind a high cbd chemotype?
Hemp will more than like lying lee
ad you down a blind alley looking for meds on a small scale.
Centennial seeds carries hemp seed I believe.
Maybe good for juicing. Still seems like a waste of a legal cannabis plant to grow personally


Well-Known Member
Yes, we have a license for hemp and 35 acres. I know Ben personally and he is out of stock.
Anybody with some other suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Why not just import like Kentucky did. The first shipment was received while the second was held. You could give it a shot.
There are a load of different varieties to chose from internationally.

Good luck to you.


Well-Known Member
I am trying to import like Kentucky. .This was just another avenue. I sent an email.to the French ministry. .we'll see. I have already sourced 250 pounds here in CO without having to do much..and they are Italian fiber just like Kentucky


Well-Known Member
There is definitely a scarcity of these seeds.
Are you trying for fiber or oil? I would think the oil side would be of much higher value.

Good luck