Looking ok for 14 days?

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
She looks great yes she was stretching but I can see you fixed that looks good let her go like that as low stress train her later on.


Active Member
the earlier you start the better, IMO Id let her go another node or two and start.. you could have it wrapped all the way around the edge of your bucket or whatever. What kind of space are you dealing with?


The room is about 8x8, expanding to almost triple that soon, allowed more plants now.
I could have what warped around the bucket?


Active Member
Hmm that looks interesting, do you get more yield that way?
Absolutely I wish that I had done more research before I started mine, I would have gone this route. or FIM'd or topped or something lol.. Oh well my ladies are 2 weeks into flower and there looking pretty good as is with only a little pruning here and there. But with an 8 x 8 room your probably better off to set up a scrog or something..

look around at some of the different cannabis growing teks before it's too late lol.
Couldn't hurt to check out the Cannabis Growing Bible either.



Active Member
Yeah I usually wait untill about 3 nodes. Two and a half...the earlier the better. When you start LSTing you'll notice a BIG difference. It's like weight training for plants! They just BLAM get nice and big and branchy :)


Thanks for all the feed back. The girls really took off the last couple of days! I moved the lights a lot closer.