looking sad and tired


Well-Known Member

whats up with my plant?

it looks tired - like it cant carry the weight of its own leaves...

last watering: 48 hrs ago..

(its not behind bars - hps light f***s up photos.)

i am 5 weeks into veg..



Well-Known Member
Are there any roots trying to grow out the drainage holes? If so, a transplant is in order.
Only go up a planter size or two, not mega planter. It's not thirsty? Good luck, Oslo.


Well-Known Member
i dont know ph - but i do use ph balance in the (hard) water we got in Oslo.

I water every third day
i use nutes with extreme care

maybe its just having a bad day

theres no roots growing out of drainage holes



Well-Known Member
make sure water is ph 6.5, water every time the soil id dry, water tli it pours out the holes.

try out a few different thing and check reaction, maybe flushing with ph'd water might help if there is a nute lockout..


Well-Known Member
it was just thirsty

gave it a healty amount of water and half an hour later its back to normal
