looking to confirm a hermie


Active Member
so I was inspecting a female plant and saw this, it doesn't look like all the males I just got rid of but it doesn't look like any of the females I have kept either. I've never had a hermie so I don't really know what I'm looking at and I was hoping somebody has seen these before and can tell me what it is, you can see 2 little possible sacks in the one pic but its showing pistils also

Also I was wondering if somebody could tell me if this is a sativa and when will I be able to find out what type it is(name wise) ((its a female for sure it has pistils))

oh just for fun, do most plants have so much fuzz on them like the first pic lol, maybe its just because its superclose up, amazing how cameras have come so far along



Active Member
From that pic it is hard to tell. I dont see any hermie fetures but its a tossup between male/female. To early to tell.


Active Member
From that pic it is hard to tell. I dont see any hermie fetures but its a tossup between male/female. To early to tell.

Thats what I was thinking, all the males showed fast, they had large sacks by now, this one has showed pistils on the top and those 2 little roundish things in the middle.


I would definately agree with that fifth picture, at least what you've got labeled for sativa and indica, not sure about the hermie.


Active Member
yeh the males will usually show first, so if they dnt show same time as male sacs then theres a good chance its female.

think it would be very hard to find the exact name of a strain, unless u know where u gt the seed from.

the 5th pic i think u got it right they def have the right traits,
are they all the same age and under the same lights?

and wats in the water and wat they do to ur plant?


Active Member
oh and id say the second pic looks female, first pic could be male, looks that way but prob need a little more time


Active Member
yeh the males will usually show first, so if they dnt show same time as male sacs then theres a good chance its female.

think it would be very hard to find the exact name of a strain, unless u know where u gt the seed from.

the 5th pic i think u got it right they def have the right traits,
are they all the same age and under the same lights?

and wats in the water and wat they do to ur plant?
the water is mixed with EM,http://www.emamerica.com/ Effective Microorganisms, made by a guy that I know locally.

This site http://www.emamerica.com/ has a run down of what it is but may not be exactly what I have.

all 3 are the same age (sept 26 2009), same light, same watering.

I was told the seeds came from 3 different plants, she wasn't sure what they were called but knows one was blueberry one was called afgani and she thinks one was bumbleberry but I don't think that last one was correctly named.

she got them from a local grower who left on vacation and had somebody else doing the watering and a male popped up and seeded the entire crop

oh and id say the second pic looks female, first pic could be male, looks that way but prob need a little more time
the first 2 close ups are of the same plant