Looking to install a sub panel, need feed lie advice.


My house has a old school glass screw type 125a fuse box. I want to add a 60a breaker style sub panel in my grow room. My question is if i jump my sub panel feed line from the same terminals my main incoming lines are ran, what gauge wire would be required? And if i want to feed my sub panel using 6g wire would i have to run 2g wire from my main feed to a sub box with a single 60a breaker than run from that sub box to my grow room sub box with 6g wire as its feed? I would like my sub box to be in my grow room witch is approx 30ft away from my main fuse panel and i would much rather run 6g wire that 30ft than use 2g wire. Is their an easier way with out totally converting to a breaker style service?