looking to make a weak tincture


Well-Known Member
Or ever refining it down to be a biy more pure.
I dont want to was the close trim so I want to use a few z`s of fam leaves.
I figure if it is too week you can up the dose.
What method would you use. I have 91% iso and can get glycerin.
So the question is. If all you had to work with was this what would you do?
I dont want to toss it but I dont want to smoke it. Plus I have some time to kill
before I can use anyway.
I haven't tried glycern yet, so I can't help there.

I use 99% ISO for extraction, then mix it with 151 rum or whatever. Works for me.

If all you can get is 91% ISO, you can "wick" away the water at the end of the extraction. I don't know the name of the thread, but there's one for what to do with the 91% ISO.

And, I agree...waste not, want not. Use every g. :weed: