Looking to start a grow - Need some guidence from you!


Hey guys, I'm lookin to start a CFL for just personal moderate use. I'm thinking of building a locker type box like 3-5ft tall, 1-2 ft width, and probably same in depth. I want to grow some Jock Horror from Nirvana. I have Buds for Less PDF for starts. I also had a suggestion that I should divide the box into 2 halves. Top for budding and bottom for growing, or w/e the term is.

Basically i want to build the locker, wrap it with Mylar. Also want to make a hanging light fixture so I can lower and raise the CFLs. I also want to install 1-2 fans in the corners. Maybe 1 pointing down and other pointing up from the base. I also want to install the activated carbon filters, probably 2-3 of them with possible computer fans that i've heard about. Those would be on the sides of the box. I guess if I have the box divided, these numbers would be doubled.

For the power supply I would run the wires cleanly through some sort of insulation to through a tight hole to the outside of the box.

I also want to get something to make the door of the box air and light tight. Weather stripping or something I can find at the hardware store.

I also suspect I will need to get a humidity and temperature gauge, along with PH equipment and chemicals? I'm pretty dumb on most of this, but know almost nothing about PH levels.

From here is where I would need some help, and of course criticism and help is always appreciated. I am very new to growing, very old at smoking. I just need some thoughts from you guys. I know I'm a nublet and hopefully won't get flamed to much.

I have roughly $400-$500 to invest in this. My goal is to have bud all year around, or just enough to enjoy it for a while until the next harvest. I want to start the grow by November 1st, as I will be out of town much before then, but not after.

I just need some information on watering techniques, time frames, ideas, and really anything else you can tell me.

Sorry for the lengthy post, and really if you read all of this and help me out, you would be helping me out more then you know.

Peace out from the nub!

Questions I have:
Whats difference between regular and fem seeds
How to keep it air and light tight?


Well-Known Member
i have done something very similar, height was 38 inches, so a bit smaller
just 78w of cfl's, but for me, an oz a grow is enough
you can build a chamber for less than the money mentioned, and get very good results