Looks like a Potassium deficiency. Second opinion?


Well-Known Member
So I’ve got 4 plants, I’ve had them for 8 days now and got them as clones. They are in a recirculating drip system using GH flora series and Calmag at half amounts, and I am using Alliance Biologics beneficial bacteria mix (got 1 grows worth sample for free at a local grow shop). Ph is kept between 5.5 and 6, although for the first 3 days I used tap water in the reservoir and I have hard ass water so the ph kept rising to 7. But I’m using R/O water now and that is taken care of. But the plants look either nutrient burnt or like there is a potassium deficiency. I just don’t understand how it could be a potassium def. if I’m using the correct ratio of nutes just at half amounts. Unless I should up the nutes? But that sounds like a recipe for nutrient burn. Help me out?



Well-Known Member
Because you switched to ro water. Now you need to add even more calmag. My 02 anyway. And as said maybe a little high on EC


Well-Known Member
Rig your airlines a little better so light doesn’t touch them. Holes in the sides. Duct tape etc.