Lost cause?


Active Member
You don't mention what soil you're using. The soil probably has nutrients already. ismoke is correct, the plant(s) are too young for nutrients. Depending the soil used, it might have been too "hot". It looks from the pics you're overwatering.

If they were mine, I would to to save them, not give them anymore nutes, and cut the dead leaves off, and maybe change the soil.


Active Member
Hey, I've been having issues with this grow since day one. From stunted growth, to stretching, and now this. Anyone know what the reason for this could be, and is it even worth attempting to save? I've been vegging with two CFLs at 6500k, and fed it some Miracle Gro(24-8-16) at a quarter strength between the last 4 waterings.

Here are some pics.

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Hi yes there will be fine if you act now.dont feed anymore .dont overwater,lower your enviro to 6in for a 125 watt or slightly higher if more powerful,and make sure it can breathe properly with good ventalation.


Active Member
Get a 5 gallon water jug and fill it with tap water. Drop in a fish bubbler and let it sit for 24 hours.
Add a few tablespoons of earthworm castings, a little piece of an asprin, some Liquid Karma, and/or a few drops of Superthrive. Bubble that for another 12-24 hours.
PH it to 6.7 using lemon juice if your water is alkaline. Lightly moisten the soil everyday with the tea, so it stays moist and consistant with a damp sponge.

If it dosent matter if they die, Id say toss em. It can sometime take a good 3 weeks before you see a turnaround with sproutlets or young plants.
However, If youre determined to save them, feed lightly with the above tea every day and give em a few weeks.
It wouldnt hurt to put a heating pad underneath em either (set on low)