Lost some nice buds ....conditions or pre conditions ?


Well-Known Member
R.I.P ...

Not a new grower but still learning .

Chopped my mandarin sunset the other day and it did have a few signs of pm and bud rott whoch I chopped out and away thoroughly.

Been hanging for 2 days with air circulation

Went down to see this morning and it's all garabge looks like all the big buds were affected first .

So question did this happen due to bud rott before chopping and spread afterwards or is it more likely that's its my conditions ?

I have dried 10 pounds in this basement without issue in the past .

I probably only lost about 4 to 5 ounces but I have 6 pounds to harvest shortly.

Does bud rott spread after cutting as well ? Or was it maybe just to cold in my basement?



Well-Known Member
Your plants most likely already had the rot started where you couldn't see it and or spores all throughout. Bad conditions make it worse of course. I've had times I cut one bud with rot out and the rest is fine, times when I think I'm fine and lose a lot. Very strain related as well. Some strains are just begging to rot and will kick your ass the second your shits not perfect.


Well-Known Member
Thanks that helps and I think you hit the nail on the head here as I have never had problems drying .

Tons of rain coming tonight and this weekend worries about my big girl as there's pounds and pounds there last year I got just under 4 pounds this year bigger buds so let hope for the best this weekend!

