lots of questions.....

I'm only two weeks into my skunk grow but I was wondering when I should change the lighting hours to 12/12? I want it to start flowering ASAP. My friend told me I can switch to 12/12 after 2 months to induce flowering, is that true? Also when can I start giving my plants nutes? it's starting on the 3rd node, how long should I wait? Also what nutes should I feed it? Right now all I have is a bottle of fox farm big bloom and MG plant food from my last grow, what should I do? Thanks! BTW I'm using CFL's and they are working great so far!


Well-Known Member
Two weeks in? You can start flowering any time you want, but it will greatly affect yield. If you induce flowering now by going to 12/12 then don't expect large yields, but they will be done quickly. Or if you have plenty of space you could (and should) let them veg for 2+ months, and then induce flowering.

Plants should get nutes after 4 weeks. Feed it any nutes you want, just don't cheap out on them (e.g. MG haha). I would get the corresponding FF nutes that go with Big Bloom and use those, rather than the MG. Very high quality, and you've already got one bottle, so why not?
I'm not trying to get high yields with this grow, I was shooting for an oz worth of bud. So it looks like I should wait 2 months before I switch to a 12/12 cycle? Is it possible to get an oz or some what close to that on a plant 16-18 inches tall? I'm going to pick up some more nutes today.Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
If you don't care about yield then only wait 2 or 3 more weeks. Two months would get you a pretty huge plant (assuming you have sufficient lighting). I think you should stick with another 3 weeks of veg and that's all.

5 weeks of veg total, good nutes, decent lighting, and an otherwise healthy plant should get you an oz, yea.

The bigger issue is that you're making it sound like you only have one plant. You do realize it could be a male, right, which would equal NO bud...? And you won't know the sex for another 5 weeks (assuming 3 more weeks of veg). Next time, start like 4 plants... then no troubles with all males.
I myself have two lemon skunk plants going right now, my brother has his own grow with one plant. I was assured that my skunk seeds were feminized so I only go the two seed thinking thats all I would need. They actually came off some buds that my friend got from a clinic in LA. They were darkish brown with some black stripes.....I assumed those were female seeds correct me if I'm wrong.

My last grow, which was northern lights, came from the same guy and the seeds had the same features and it turned out to be a female. I hope I have the same luck with my skunk. Thanks for your help bro!


Well-Known Member
Uhh my gut reaction is that you absolutely got duped. BUT fem seeds is something I don't know much about...so I could be wrong. Some things I am sure of:
You cannot tell sex based on any markings on the seed.

Some things I'm not positive about:
There are two ways to get fem seeds, and one is far better than the other. The ones you got were certainly not done with the better method, but I suppose could have been done with the less reliable method. We'll find out soon, now won't we? And you have 3 plants combined so you should get at least 1 female even if they're not fem....I just hope you boys can share if that does happen haha.


Well-Known Member
the earliest you should start flowering for a small indoor grow is about 1 month to 1 month and a week...but yeah it will have a small yield..id go to at like a month and a half or better yet two.:mrgreen: