Loving the mods we have


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I just saw this down in Support and I'm happy to see that @sunni and @GreatwhiteNorth will be getting some long needed help. You guys have been wonderful for all the time you've spent on the site encouraging us to play nicely :)

Thanks you guys :hug:
Is it too soon to ask when and where will the new mod list be published so we know who to harass?


We the admin team are looking for some moderators and we'd like to hear from you if you'd want to be apart of the team.

Requirements :
Good account history, no infractions, problems, or post history that shows problematic posting.
Someone who has access to discord and knows how to use it
Someone who is willing to spend their time moderating the forum on a volunteer basis its hard grueling work.
Someone who knows how to utilize the website

The "Job"
Volunteer basis
You will read the forum and report problematic posts against the TOS
Its pretty simple you will not handle any forum drama, you will not be deleting, banning or giving infractions you simply will be reading as you normally do and reporting anything that is against the tos, it should be a fairly simple job if you're someone who is generally reading the forum and its posts.
This will help our admin staff primarily focus on removal of posts,

You will not have to disclose you are a mod of the forum this protects yourself if you want to stay anon , as some users can be quite cruel to the admin staff.

You will use discord to talk to myself and the other admins in regards to any questions, problems, or any issues you may have

Comment here with the following (see original post to comment/apply)

Don't worry sunni I added a link and removed the questions so they won't be applying here ;D
Did forum moderation from 2003 - 2010 for three separate swingers' boards.

Good luck on the hunt but as any former forum moderator would say...

@GreatwhiteNorth is a little too manly for me. I mean in a relationship I would need to be the dominant, aggressive one. The alpha. But if you've ever seen the guy you obviously know that he's fucking Top Dog. And I just couldn't live to be the bottom. But @sunni on the other hand I mean… I actually can't even say anything other than she's pretty. I think I've transcended friendzone and it's like siblingzone. And not sexy stepsiblingzone either. They have both been nice great people to me and I can't say a bad word about them. And not just because they're mods and they would ban me either.
Still think I should be the next mod though. I mean I've always wanted a gun and to arrest people. "Stop in the name of the blog! Stop resisting! I will fucking neutralize you!" I've definitely got the cool calm level-headed demeanor to kill this position period.