Low Stress Training Patterns.

I just started LST yesterday and i was wondering if there is any specific pattern i should be following or can i just continue to tie down the growth shoots at random. Also, does anyone have a guestimate on how much i should be watering these bad boys? they are in 5gal buckets, ive been watering until the leak a lil out the bottom and then waiting until the soil is dry, when i stick my finger up to the knuckle, into the soil.

thanks for any and all feed back


no that is steel wire with a soft plastic coating, a 600w mh over my 3 babies, my temps are about 75-80 F. soil is happy frog. and the humidity UNFORTUNATELY is at about 20- 25 % and i have no way of upping it at the moment


Well-Known Member
you want to lay them in a pattern that helps get light to each branch...humidity isnt that important...staying on the dry side is more important imo. I see over watering damage , this causes the roots to drown and not uptake the nutrients in your soil causing all kinds of deficiencies. Half a gallon of water is all i would give them. they should be drying out in 2-3 days...this helps incorporate a feeding shcedule in
fantastic, ive been watering right around a half gallon each, any more than that and i feel like i am almost drowning them.
i bought the fox farm 3 part nutrient system, grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom, i also have a cal mag supplement. do you have any insight as to how to feed nutrients? on my last water is used the grow big, and a lil cal mag. on the next watering (today) should i just use pure water with no nutes? any insight ona feeding schedule would be more than appreciated


Well-Known Member
I like to water/water/feed when they are young and I give them water in the tray first to make sure the bottom gets wet, then water the top lightly.
any recomendations as to how much water i should put on the bottoms? if im using a half gallon of water for each plant how much would i put on the bottom and how much would i pour into the top


Well-Known Member
I give 1/3-1/2 of the amount I'm using, you get a feel for how fast it sucks it up. Usually by flower in a 5gal I'm giving it 1gal at a time, usually I'll dump 1/2gal into the tray first then throw the rest up top. Of course this needs stricter nute control because you aren't watering for runoff, but I'm not sure how much "flush" you get with 10-20% runoff anyway...

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
There are no strict rules to lsting plants man. Top and tie what ever you want:eyesmoke: Most people will top or tie the dominant tops and let the side branches catch up. Repeat if you like then.

Plants look great by the way! :hump: