Low Temp Plates?


New Member
After talking with a rosin Tech rep and playing with a few different presses yesterday at the 710 expo here in Phoenix I've decided to build my own at home I'm going to go with the Harbor Freight 20-ton since it's relatively cheap and has a good warranty. I've been looking at Low Temp plates since they have the heating element and plates with a cage for under 500. Same setup as pic with 20 ton. Are there better options out there for around the same price point? Does anyone have experience with these plates? 20170121025543_530x@2x.jpg
I used to rock the HF 20 ton and low temp plates (3x5 and 4x7 plates).

Build it for thousands cheaper than all the other garbage that's being sold for rosin pressing. I can crank out 1x 5g 25iu bag of kief every 3 mins.