Low Temperature Dehydrator found that's *not* HerbsNow!


New Member
I live in Europe so shipping and customs fees from the US are huge for a HerbsNow dryer.
As a result, I've been searching for weeks to find a dehydrator that hits that 20°C / 68°F temperature and I finally found one!

I know that most folks will say to air dry and I get the reasons why... but that's not an option for me where I live right now, and I've read the HerbsNow research and all the pros and cons and feel like a dryer is worth a shot.

To anyone who uses the HB... do you think this will achieve the same results?

Product info at this link




Well-Known Member
I have my doubts on how warm air can be best for drying cannabis. I haven’t tried it myself.. but I’m alright with 64-68F temps, and keeping humidity between 50-60% for a couple weeks. No work at all aside adjusting the exhaust.
Edit: cost effectiveness floats toward hanging as well. However if it’s what works best for your circumstances I’d go for it.


New Member
I have my doubts on how warm air can be best for drying cannabis. I haven’t tried it myself.. but I’m alright with 64-68F temps, and keeping humidity between 50-60% for a couple weeks. No work at all aside adjusting the exhaust.
Edit: cost effectiveness floats toward hanging as well. However if it’s what works best for your circumstances I’d go for it.
Thank you for your kind response.
I'm not sure if it's best, but given that I can't hang dry and would be super afraid of mould (we have 18°C temp and 80 to 90% humidity outside at the moment), I figured it might be worth a try.

I'm new to growing and I guess if it didn't work I'd learn for next year and could get into... making jerky?