Lowberry 1st grow - Help appreciated !

Mr Blobby

hey folks, I'm just about to put on my first grow and have some questions...

1) My space is 2' x 1.5' x 4', basically a chimney entrance.. I have no other space to do the grow, hopefully this will create its own air circulation etc... Anyone forsee any troubles with this ?

2) In this space I'm going to grow 4 plants, but is this too much ? Also, what size of pot should I be using to put each plant in ? I've heard lowberry doesn't like root restriction, can anyone confirm ? The pots I have now are 5"x5"x8" is that too small ??

3) I have a 125 watt envirolite which I will hang right above the plants, within 5 cm or something. With the area also covered in mylar, should this be enough lighting for 3-4 lowberries ?

4) I'm using Canna Coco as a growing medium, and have the two nutrient solution bottles (the green and red)... Erm, I dunno if CANNA are English or not but I can NOT understand fully the instructions on the back, can anyone explain a) when I should use this and b) how I mix it ?

5) Anyone have any other tips for dealing with dwarf plants/lowberries ? I'm keen to see these things grow, having had no experience with auto'z before

6) FINALLY, I also have cuttings available to me of "normal" (not dwarf auto) plants, would it just be more sensible to do 2 of these in the same space, or do you folks think the smaller lowberry footprint would yield effectively the same amount of goodness ?

Sorry if these questions seem retarded but I don't want to go marching on ahead and bungle everything ;-)


Active Member
Weed requires 1 gallon per ft for root space. So if your gonna have a 2ft plant then you need a 2 gallon container. If you could rig a fan to blow up the air that would be kewl. Then u could use like a 250w hps. But Id go with sum fluorescents to veg with. Just be shure that the light spectrum is between 6500 and 8000k.