Lower leaves need more light (pics inside)


Well-Known Member
I have been flowering for 5 days, and was wondering if at this point is there anything I can do to get more light to lower leaves. I read some about trimming but there is a lot of conflicting info out there. Any help would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
I have been flowering for 5 days, and was wondering if at this point is there anything I can do to get more light to lower leaves. I read some about trimming but there is a lot of conflicting info out there. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm kind of new so I'm not really sure but could you possible just cut the lower ones for clones?


Well-Known Member
yea, that is what i was thinking of doing, just thought I would get some other opinions first.


Well-Known Member
first off no idea what light u r using..u can get another, smaller light especially for the lower canopy..or take ur plant outside whenever u can to let the sun do its job...


Active Member
Tie the cola branches down and allow the light to hit the core of the plant. I just did this with my plant, more so because of height issues, but in doing so it has made the colas from all the branches tied down go into turbo growth. Trust you won't be disappointed, I now have a 14" plant with about 10 colas starting.

p.s. mist the plant branches before doing this, and do a gradual tie down so you don't snap the branches just bend them.


Well-Known Member
so when you say tie the cola branches down are you referring to the ones up higher or the ones that are not recieving light


Active Member
I will take some pictures for you to see as soon as I can. But ya tie down the highest branches and spread them out so they all get full amounts of light, and you will notice that anywhere from a few hours to a day or 2 the flowers will turn upwards towards the light. The lower branches won't be your main producers of bud anyways.


Well-Known Member
ok, thanks man, I think I know what you are saying, but I'll hold off for now until you can get some pics.