lowryder growing help


hi ive planted my lowryder and since araound day 24 to now (day 33) my plant doesnt seem to be growing at all, i have pictures of it from before and after, i will alo note that ive had to angle the pot so my plant is growing at an angle.

any help wud be great. newerz

after2.jpgafter3.jpgbefore.jpgbefore3.jpgbefore 2.jpgafter.jpg
bearing in mind that these pics are about 2-3 weeks apart something doesnt seem right.


Well-Known Member
from what i can see it looks like your lights arent strong enough or to far away. the stem is stretched a bit. also the bright green color is suggestive of nute or ph issues. ask some of these guys on here and theyll tell you straight up what it is. geniouses abound here.

pro grow

Active Member
fucj son. of course its not. you kill all the mitocondria in the roots bra. got to stop feeding it chlorine and pump it full of the new wonder product in my brain.

get a bag of rootworm castings. a bag of Mycroboost, and de ionized. get it...

ok im not like that but,
if you wanna turn it against me i have dabbled with pretty much everythihng you could wrongly mix into your plants soil at this point that hay. what it do?


Well-Known Member
as i said some are genious and some just....welll.....he may be right. i cant argue with stats but if your using tapwate,which is what the guy with bad grammar is suggesting, that could be it too.and pro grow as i said, ask around some are smart and some just assholes.