Lowryder guerrilla 09


Active Member
I am looking to have a perpetual guerrilla autoflowering cycle from April to October sometime. I am looking to pull about a pound every month after the first harvest. I'm planning on running cycles of 12-20 plants depending on the strain i finally choose. I will be starting the seedlings indoors for a week or two until they are strong enough to withstand good ol nature.
I was wondering which autoflowering strain is the best for this type of situation, which ones yield the most and if anyone has any experience on autoflowering outdoors about how much size difference is there in indoor lowryders and outdoor lowryders. I will be able to take care of the plants if need be and i will be working with a North Carolina climate so as long as we dont have any major hurricanes the weather should be great.
I will also be throwing some really good bagseeds i have in separate plots somewhere just to get rid of them and to hopefully have some pretty good full season plants.
I was thinking maybe auto/ak but whatever it is it will be feminized. If anyone has any ideas or info please throw it in. All's welcome and appreciated.


Active Member
Sounds like a good idea. First remember you will get our biggest yield in the months of june and july when you have the most light. I would probaly plan on planting 32 plants at a time cause half would be female half male you would be left with 16 on average of ounce a piece =pound. I would choose LR2 or Autoak these are the two biggest yielders. They get a little bigger indoors cause you can put them constantly on 20/4 light schedule. But you can plant alot more outside. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Don't do feminized auto. do regular and do a seed run so you wont be spending alot of money on seeds. Cause they can cost you. I think that is it but if you need anything else you can pm me or post again.


Active Member
thinks for the advice. i plan on getting some autos that aren't femmed but i was heavily considering getting a lot of feminized seeds as well, just to cut down on the extra hassle of having to keep checking the plots for males.
I've grown LR2 once before on an indoor grow inside a cabinet grow box i bought from lowes or home depot i don't really remember but i just configured it how i needed and hooked everything up myself. Wasn't hard just worrysome as hell having that shit in my house. My friend and I had 9 females in 2 gallon grow bags inside the almost 2'w x 2'd x 5' tall box with 8 42watt CFLs it ended up yielding about 12 ounces. It was a very beautiful experience. I only have a few deep wooded areas that i no for sure i'll be able to grow in cause we have a lot of hunting around here but i really believe i can meet or exceed my original goal.


Active Member
I have also looked into a geurilla grow with lowryder ak because where Im from they dont bring out the helicopters until september.So being able to harvest before then would be a big plus because the law wont be an issue so now I just have to worry about thieves and pest.My plan was to get 10 seeds pick the best female and male then get seeds and it would just be unlimited planting potential.My only fear is I wont yield an ounce per plant.So if anybody has experience with the lowryder ak let me know.


Active Member
I read the same thing off a seed bank website.From what I have gathered from my research on the internet is a lot of indoor growers are yielding about an ounce.Is this any different from the outdoor yield?Also has anybody had their lowryders pulled up by the law?This just seems like the best way to grow outdoor could be wrong?The only downside is the way it smokes I hear.Is anybody else going this route with their grow this year?


Active Member
Yeah it is easy to get an ounce from each plant indoors. The reason they grow best under 20/4 light schedule. Thats why harvests are low in the spring and fall. If you want a heavy harvest you want to harvest in june,july or august. As for the law that is up to you and your concealment noone can answer that question. There are better ways cause one plant can harvest a pound compared to 16 lowryders but that plant doesnt finish in 20/4 light. So there are advantages and disadvantages that you will ave to decide. I think they are the shit. Dont believe that shit about smoke. I would rival some of my past harvest smoke against anybody. Hope this helps.