lowryder....shorten time till harvest?


has anyone grown lowryder? could i get a decent yield in a short time with it? im trying to shorten my time from seed to harvest with maximum yield...good idea?


Well-Known Member
Dude hate to burst the bubble but you may has well have got a real cannabis plant instead of a gimmik.These plants can not be cloned so it will be a new grow from seed every time.Why don't you order the same strain but the bigger real version then it will be around for has long has you want it to be.I have field tested me growing ak47 the real deal from seed and a friend growing a lowrider auto from seed both strains take 8 week to flower so we both set the seeds flowering from the word go.The only differance is mine yeided a little more 8 grm.But the funny thing is i was left with 4 clones to do another grow but this time veg till the plants are at least 1 ft tall.Dude don't line the pockets of these seed supplyers selling these gimmiks buy the real deal.


Sector 5 Moderator
Dude hate to burst the bubble but you may has well have got a real cannabis plant instead of a gimmik.These plants can not be cloned so it will be a new grow from seed every time.Why don't you order the same strain but the bigger real version then it will be around for has long has you want it to be.I have field tested me growing ak47 the real deal from seed and a friend growing a lowrider auto from seed both strains take 8 week to flower so we both set the seeds flowering from the word go.The only differance is mine yeided a little more 8 grm.But the funny thing is i was left with 4 clones to do another grow but this time veg till the plants are at least 1 ft tall.Dude don't line the pockets of these seed supplyers selling these gimmiks buy the real deal.
So you're saying that you went from seed to chop in 60 days with "regular" seeds?? How is that possible if it's not an auto?