LPG powered generators for light power and also Co2


Active Member
Hi ppls

Has anyone ever thought of using one of these new LPG fueled generators to power their light and also produce co2 from the exhaust for their setup?

what does you think ?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
The issue with generators are they cost to run them and the sound and heat they emmit.Gas here is about $3.65 a gallon so figure out tank size by running time per day then multiple that byt the grow time for veg then 12 days for flower and its crazy.The heat given off is alot to so now you have to combat that if its in the room giving off the co2 your looking for.How do you regulate the amount of this uncontrolled co2?They have a place but its rare to find an optimal situation. I personally would like to see more people save for solar panels and batteries and create thier own grow power


Well-Known Member
solar would cost heaps for HID though.
need over 4 times the panel watts per appliance watts for it to be self sustainable and not run batteries flat, 80w to run <20w. since depending on location you might only get a few hours of full charge from the panels each day. if you can manage 6hrs of good sun a day youll only get 6 hrs of power, minus losses, @ the watts of the panel. 6 times 4 is 24
youd need 20 80w panels to run a 400w light for 24hrs/day with a good 6hrs of sun and more to be able to charge the batts
youd also need 3-4 times the battery capacity to amp-hours used so as to have reserves for cloudy days when not much charging happens and you use the batts more.
you will also need atleast twice as many amp-hours in the batts as you intend to draw from the batts, 3days reserve 6 days batt capacity, so as to not overdischarge the batteries.

its a bit like boiling water to make steam to turn a turbine to make electricity to run a heating element to boil water.



Active Member
Thats a really good point man i reckon a combination of solar for through the day and generators for the dark hours as purpose built LGP motors make less then half the noise then a converted gasoline engine running on LPG.

But yeah i see your point man about the boiling water to boil water lol the sun just isnt any good for anything but budding where i am at the moment so yeah i am having to resort to vegitating under lights.


Well-Known Member
I was listening to NPR a few weeks ago when a fellow was talking about the ways solar could be used. Seems his company make solar panels that are like printed computer chipsput in a collection medium, that can be effective for using them. He was talking about a reversible electric meter. When the panels were collecting more power than you use the meter would run backwards, in effect selling your excess production to the power company. When your using more power than you are producing, the meter runs forward, eliminating the need for any kind of storage device. Made sense to a dummy like me. VV


Active Member
I saw a doco that was on discovery channel about renewable energy and they had an artical on the fedex building which is able to run it self completely on solar panels and also pump extra power back into the grid too.
they also had an artical on a new paint that they are developing which acts like a solar panel to and they were saying that in the future its likely to replace standard house paint and also roof mounted solar panels too.


Well-Known Member
fucking ironically enough my power gets shut off today. my roomate forgot to pay the bill :evil: :joint: :? :neutral: :mrgreen: its ok i forgive her, its not her fault she is ignorent


Well-Known Member
wind power is the go, we've got a profesional wind turbine and battary set up which with 3000w of HID light + the rest of the 3 bedroom house, was producing 60&#37;..ish of our power.


I played around with an old alternator and a fan I made of sheet metal, had an electrician test it, then had it conected to the same set up... I'm now producing 95%...ish of my power via WIND!

the only down side is that when it rains the home made one doesn't work :P

the original set up was $15,000 for 1 turbine, batts & installation, plus all the power conditioner to stop it from spiking, surging or falling to low.

and my home made addition cost a case of beer for it to be tested and installed, and about $50 in parts.

not bad ey!?