LR2 hermie? or to early to tell...

The Evil M

Active Member

one lowryder is starting to flower i think, however im concerned by what has appeard at the nodes. It is tiny atm and under the magnifying glass it looks as if it has a raised circumference possibly a calyx beginning to open? I hope lol.

all advice is appreciated.




Well-Known Member
wait until you see little hairs coming from them if you see a cluster of balls hack it down. how old is your LR2?

The Evil M

Active Member
wait until you see little hairs coming from them if you see a cluster of balls hack it down. how old is your LR2?
Hi thanks for getting back to me.

My plants are just hitting 30 days, they have been stressed a little as I underwatered and also repotted 3 times in 3 weeks.

I know thats pretty bad hence my concern, im being optimistic though.

The Evil M


Well-Known Member
you should repot when your plant is root bound.. ideally twice or 3 times max in the plants life.

The Evil M

Active Member
Yeah i know but i was impatient as always, I had anothercheck today and there showing the same signs.

Hopefully by the weekend I should see some hairs.

The Evil M

Active Member
its dead now :(, it clearly wasnt showing pistils and the ball started growing out of the internode on a new tiny branch.

I think it was a bananna.