LSD25 1 month in and plant's too small


1577947323782.png 1 month in and it's already flowering, i feel like it's too small, what do you think, is it gonna grow a bit? lmk if there is anything i can do about it and tell me your ideas about how many grams do you think i can get from this. i'm currently using LST technique,i'm also a first time grower and idk if i did it correctly. 1577947330647.png1577947342265.png
I'm so shit at growing autos.
You should try to reverse that thing for seeds. Then do some practice runs
If you have more seeds, just plant more asap

I'm about to practice very soon, I won x10 cosmic bombs from the vault and George Seeds. I dried out 3 tap roots, shit had me sad haha.

Now I got a few plants going
Cosmic bomb auto
Northern lights auto
Pineapple Express auto
Ak-47 x skunk auto

I've got a bad ass little theory about roots I'll be testing
Is that the pot your started it out in? If you didn't water it correctly for that size bag it could have taken the roots a long time to go all the way to the bottom of the bag.

Another issue could be not enough light. You could try moving the light closer.

Is that the pot your started it out in? If you didn't water it correctly for that size bag it could have taken the roots a long time to go all the way to the bottom of the bag.

Another issue could be not enough light. You could try moving the light closer.

i throw it in the final pot as soon as it's sprouted in the paper towel, light is close enough, about 25-30 cm away from the plant