LST attempt. . .

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
here's my attempt at some low stress training. i couldn't really find a good guide on how to do it, so i basically just tied the top bending, and the other tie is to keep the main stem from shifting? im probably gonna get made fun of for this one



Well-Known Member
you did it right. that is what LST is. Just tie down whatever you want. More bushier less height. Plus if you have a branch growing much taller than the others you can just tie it down too. Good job btw.

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
thanks, i wasn't sure if i did it too late though. i just did it tonight, i thought maybe you had to start way earlier.


Well-Known Member
Also, as you bend the top down, try to get it lower than other buds.........kind of like a candy cane. Getting the top of the plant lower than the lowest bud will make the hormones transfer down the stalk to these essence creating a new main cola.

Of course my first attempt does not resemble that, but above is what I take it to be correct..........below is how mine turned out. I think I started too early?

Just random pics and not the same plant/strain.


siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
i got a question, here is my journal... plant is 2 weeks about 4-5 inches tall, should/could i start this now? or soon? i am trying to figure out when to transplant, and when i do the pot should be big enough that i could tie it down to the side...but my question, does it matter if the leaves are bent down and touching the soil? i dont wanna crush the leaves, im scared to do it but i would like to cuz bushy=good for me...plants not women, of course...