LST Stealth Grow, Super-Box

this is my 1st grow and im using a superbox from supercloset, its about 2.5 feet tall so i have to flower almost right away.. im just making this thread because i like to see other growers journals and also to keep track of my progress and get help/learn from more experienced growers. i got 5 clones, 3 bubba-x-larryog and 2 tahoe og.. i got them from a known dispensary that specializes in clones called progressive options. i wanted pure og's but they said the bubbalarrys were simple to grow, and they looked healthy so i had to take them. anyhoo, ive been vegging them for one week so far, i changed the nutes from veg to flower today and im gonna start the 12/12 light cycle tomorrow. they tend to droop usually when the light goes out , i might have been over feeding them and drowning their roots a little. but they have been growing pretty fast, and the roots grew like crazy, nice white and scaley. i been tying them sideways the last couple days because they are sorta tall/skinny, and its looking alot better than a week ago.. sorry for not having much details in this journal ive been busy and im exhausted, but i took some pics and ill put them up.
it might be too early to start flowering because i have alot more room, but this is my first grow and i wanna play it safe and its more of a learning experience/experiment. im sure ill do alot better on my next grow..
so here are the pics the night before the flower cycle starts, some leaves look weird because they are clones and went through alot of stress and transplant stress... if anyone comes accross this thread and has comments or questions feel free to ask..
Hey Kobe, nice to see you have the box up and running as well as a journal SUBBED!!!

In my box I vegged for over 30 days, but I also did a lot of pruning to help keep them low to the ground as a lot of strains do tend to stretch following the change in light cycle. Sense you have what looks to be like 6 plants, changing the light cycle this early may have been a good idea. Do you plan on doing any other pruning other than the LST? If so you may would have waited to change light cycles otherwise everything looks great to me!

Check out my signature, Im about 13 days into flower using a super box to!
thanks man, i just finished 6th day of 12/12 light cycle and the brown stuff in my reservoir is getting gross. i have a feeling its causing some stunt growth and root rot, it was also causing my ph to drop alot. so i just added some h2o2 and i noticed the ph going back up alot. the plants have stretched alot, but the one with the most root-rot damage isnt stretching much, i have a feeling its stressed or something.. and no it was actually 5 plants just alot of LST. i never topped or anything. im just hoping this root rot wont destroy my plants or have too much effect on yield.
anyhoo, for some reason i cant get my pics up right now
Try and post some pictures of the roots, in the mean time what kind of air pump do you have / airstones. And what kind of feeding cycle are you using?? Whats your PPM/EC looking like?

I read somewhere that root rot will prevent your plants from absorbing nutrients and if thats the case, will cause PPM's to shoot through the roof. This will cause a lot of excess nutrients to build up on the bottom of your res. Fix the root rot problem and all that sediment will hopefully go away.

As you add h202, it will cause the shitty roots to die off and fall in the water. This will also cause your ppms to rise. The sooner you can resolve your root rot problem, the sooner you can get your plants on a precise feeding schedule. You will be thanked by an abundant harvest :).

Hydro is hard to grasp at first but after you get the roll of things its so much fucking fun! I love being so involved in my plants life, I feel as though it makes the weed that much dank when you are finally finish the grow.
i have the same air pump that came with the superbox, same blue airstones also. my ppm is around 800. so this is day 9 of 12/12, only the tahoes are preflowers, the bubbalarrys arent really. thats suprising cuz the tahoes seem to have the most root damage. ive still been adding 3% peroxide and i might get some hygrozyme and stronger food grade h2o2. the roots arent really progressing if anything they are getting worse, but its weird cuz the plants are still stretching and stuff
Your roots are looking a hell of a lot better than mine haha... Ill have post some pics of mine later on today when I have time. Yours are pretty white compared to mine.
i think they just look white in this pic, they are really yellow and alot of the roots fell off and died. i cant wait to check the plants later i hope they are alright. im still contimplating getting hygrozyme
Different nute mixtures will stain your roots different colors.

For example...
Gh 2-part (micro/bloom) will stain your roots a little darker brownish white.

I say this beause sometimes altough your roots look a little off, they may just as well be that healthy. I thought for a second I had a bad case of root rot before I realized my 2-part (gh) mixture actually caused my roots to turn a dark brownish. Just some advice :D

As I can tell from your pictures your roots look great! keep it up man!