LST turned into HST


Hey hope everyone is safe and well! just a quick question
I started doing abit of LST on my AUTOS(I think I started to late it was towards the end of week 4), my plant was extremely bushy and had very little spacing between the nodes so I found it quite difficult to follow any LST guides that I found online!
I snapped 2 stems as everything under the plant seemed to be tangled, at the moment with how bushy the plant is, the bottom fan leaves seem to not be able to support themselves well as other leaves are pushing them down, the plant does seem to be bouncing back well and I'm wondering if there is anything you guys recommend at this stage?
The root systems seems quite healthy as both of the big plants have roots starting to come out the side of the fabric pot which is a 5 gallon pot.
I don't think I will do anymore LST as its getting pretty close to flower and will be starting lst on my small plant in there in afew days to avoid this issue
Temp is between 21-25c (same with night cycle)
RH is between 45-55
Im feeding at about 1.4-1.6 with
Veg A+B
PH at 5.8
growing in coco
Thanks :)
Last 2 photos are the plant directly after the LST the other 4 are 1 day after :)