lst'ing and topping.. tips, opions, advice.... c'mon drop a comment !!

hi roll it up community!!! ive been looking up alot on topping plants and have seen alot of diff ways to do it!!! i am just wondering how many times should i ideally top a plant and what is the actual correct technique to do it???:confused: anybody leave a link or some advice that would be great!! and also ive heard you can top a plant as many times as you want is this true or what??
also what is lsting and is it effective??


Well-Known Member
The methods to top and LST are as varied as the people on this forum. What works best for you will not work for everyone. I like to top so that I have 4 main colas. I wait till my seedling has 5 or 6 nodes. I typically remove the bottom 2 branches (first node) because those branches usually don't grow so well for me. Then, I top below node 4. That leaves me 4 main branches. This method works for me and my growing space. It may not work as well for you.

Semantically speaking, you can't really top a plant more than once. You can, however, remove the ends of any branch to get 2 stems. And you can do it multiple times if you want.

LST or low stress technique is simply tying the plant's main stalk down so that all the side branches grow upward instead of sideways. Use velcro, twine, twist ties, or whatever doesn't damage the stalk to tie the plant so it's bent over. Make sure the plant is well watered first so the stalk will bend more easily.

There is plenty of great information on this site. Use the advanced search to search for LST and topping in thread titles. You could also check out these links:

Good luck with your grow.


Active Member
be sure to look into "supercropping" as well. I do all of them. LST, supercrop, top, FIM, all of it. Multiple times of each. I have a strain called White Power, that I can top it and supercrop it each plant more than a dozen times. Top it for colas, supercrop it for strength and bushiness. Good luck and good growing


Active Member
I am a HUGE fan of fimming, if you get that cut right its is AWESOME! Topping will give you 2 tops, fimming very regularly gives 4-6 tops average.
I am a HUGE fan of fimming, if you get that cut right its is AWESOME! Topping will give you 2 tops, fimming very regularly gives 4-6 tops average.
ive looked up abit about fimming.............. but what is the correct way to do it?? and is it more effective than topping???


Well-Known Member
If you want top, search for Uncle Ben's topping technique for 2 or 4 main colas. It's a good starting point. Topping is really basic shit.

Many noops fuck up LST, I see pics of it all the time where the tops are not low enough. Read about auxins and what you're actually trying to accomplish with LST before you try it -- it's not just arbitrary tying down and forget type stuff.

Experience rules in this topic, there are many techniques and not all plants react to these techniques in the same way. I topped 4 different varieties in my latest garden all at the same place, at the same time, and they all reacted differently. Some favorably, others not so much. Now I know better for those varieties the next time, that's shit you won't read on a forum. Have fun.