
un named

Active Member
i just had a quick question but im bad at explaining stuff so i drew it up.

i noticed in most if not all lsting tutorials they have the sting pulling to one side like this and then they have the second one pulling to the other side.

what would happen if you just done it like this.

un named

Active Member
i might as well throw another question in here so i dont have to make another thread.

i notice alot of people start in small pots then replant in bigger pots even know they have the option of just planting it in a big pot. why is this?


Well-Known Member
I believe the first string is to prevent you from pulling on the root system when pulling in one direction. at least this is how i did it and my reasoning.

When your going to do LST, try to have a plan, i didnt have a plan when i started, and things got messy and out of control really quick. now they just look like ball o plant instead of something pretty.

the repoting thing im not sure, i do it for space considerations when dealing with "not ready for veggying status" plants. If your gonna LST just use the biggest pot your gonna use, cuz dealing with the strings and their tie points is a reall bitch. better to just do it on the final pot. From my experience anyways.

un named

Active Member
yer that sounds about right and yer iv got mine in its final pot im waiting for it to get a bit bigger befor starting to lsting is it better to have a strong stem or a weak flimsy stem to lst? mines outdoor so its stems already pretty tuff for a little thing.


Well-Known Member
What iv seen happen is even with a weak stem, when you bend it they will toughn up big time. I have strong stems on mine, and you may have to squeeze it to get it to bend with out breaking.

un named

Active Member
what do you mean by squeezing it so it dont break? man you gonna be making me nervous when it comes to bending it


Active Member
The main reason for transplanting into larger pot is developing a concentrated root ball. If you put a plant into the final size right away, the roots will travel between the dirt and the side of the pot. This is partly how plants can become root bound. I tend to focus on the development of my roots above all else.


Active Member
well I didnt know the answer but Im glad I read this thread cus Ive learned something new


Well-Known Member
Squeeze the stalk between your thumb and finger, crushing the stem, you may have to work the stem a little to get it to soften, after you do it a couple times youll know just what im talkin about. When you got it just right, itl fall over. Dont worry about the plant, it will take it just fine, you can snap the sucker right over if you want (tho I dont recommend that). They are a very hardy plant. As long as the branch is connected to the plant it will grow (tho, how well is another argument).

These things are a weed, not exactly easy to kill. lol, Now thats funny, leave it to our government to declare a WEED illegal, now that makes a lot of sense. Fuckn Idiots.....

un named

Active Member
cheers for the heads up on the repotting stuff and i was getting worried about bending it since the stalk is pretty tuff so cheers for that too :D and nice work on the lsting fitz.