Lucas Formula


Well-Known Member
i have been wanting to try the Lucas Formula, but wanted to get some feed back witch GH nutes work better? Flora micro+bloom. or the FloraNova bloom? as anyone noticed a difference in yield from these two? also any one know what the Lucas Formula is for the Maxi bloom? is it 1 tsp per gal?


Stick with GH Maxibloom only, no MaxiGrow needed... After converting dry nutes to ppm for NPK-----essentially it's the Lucas formula. I know it looks a little off but there is a calculator that was used to convert "dry" nutes and the end result is "LUCAS formula". Plus I think it's easier to use than the Flora Nova. It's not sludgy. I've been using it for awhile and its works great through the whole life of the plant, and it's inexpensive.

As for the concentration, your plants will tell you what to do.