Lucy on a Monday?


Well-Known Member
Haha nothin like trippin on mondays!

One time I took a shitLOAD of this RC phenthylamine on a tuesday and there was this weird ass kid who didnt talk, he said 4-8 words total the whole day, and two of those words were 'trippin tuesdays' I was like 'story of my life brotha!'


Well-Known Member
Your avatar must really like the talking heads lol its dancing perfect with it! I love it when gifs do that!


Active Member
i don't know if its my tolerance or bunk cid but i do have more "colorful trailers" than usual, more than my usual hppd.


Well-Known Member
I always think its weird with lucy, I always know within 10 minutes if it is bunk or not, but it comes on really really slow.. If I rip some herb though it normally gets shit going

What are your plans for the night?

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
I always think its weird with lucy, I always know within 10 minutes if it is bunk or not, but it comes on really really slow.. If I rip some herb though it normally gets shit going

What are your plans for the night?
If it's good dose I always forget, then like 45 minutes later I look around and am like " W O W" oh yeah, I ate dose! lol


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Well-Known Member
Now every time I dose I take gingko biloba before hand, it improves brain circulation.. And Ive noticed the come up takes like 20 minutes then.

Plus the trip is more enjoyable. Gingko is some shit lemme tell ya
here dude look at these fractals

Just a few of my favorite ones


Active Member
i have aniracetam, supposed to do the same effect, increases flow to the brain, i take it and a 5htp the next morning after my trip to deal with hangover


Well-Known Member
Nice dude see you already know!

Personally I take it in the morning every time so I get sleep, and then I wake up feeling GREAT.
However I havent had a good night trip in some time.. I need one, and thats for the fourth :)


Active Member
Nice dude see you already know!

Personally I take it in the morning every time so I get sleep, and then I wake up feeling GREAT.
However I havent had a good night trip in some time.. I need one, and thats for the fourth :)
i prefer day tripping but its my first clear night out with my XT8