I recently bought some goji og from moxie and it tasted like orange.. well as it happens I cant stand orange flavored bud. Guess I smoked to much tangie growing up.anywho I just bought some beans and read somewhere that mac had a smooth citrus flavor. I dont remember the mac j smoked tasting like orange but who knows. DOES ANYONE KNOW IF MAC V2 TASTE LIKE ORANGES
I recently bought some goji og from moxie and it tasted like orange.. well as it happens I cant stand orange flavored bud. Guess I smoked to much tangie growing up.anywho I just bought some beans and read somewhere that mac had a smooth citrus flavor. I dont remember the mac j smoked tasting like orange but who knows. DOES ANYONE KNOW IF MAC V2 TASTE LIKE ORANGES
It does not taste like oranges, at all. Incense and kush
It does not taste like oranges, at all. Incense and kush
That's interesting you say that. The mac v2 I tried several times from Caps spot in LA tastes like orange fanta+floral notes, with some added funk on the back end compared to the original caps cut.
That's interesting you say that. The mac v2 I tried several times from Caps spot in LA tastes like orange fanta+floral notes, with some added funk on the back end compared to the original caps cut.
That is interesting. Other reports from growers I know have reported playdoh and doughy as well as incense and wood/cedar. No one has reported any type of citrus. I guess it goes to show what running numbers and personal selection brings
That is interesting. Other reports from growers I know have reported playdoh and doughy as well as incense and wood/cedar. No one has reported any type of citrus. I guess it goes to show what running numbers and personal selection brings
I have to retract that. I must have been recalling the caps cut. After smoking both again the v2 definitely has a wood/cedar + doughyness like gsc, no real citrus.
I’ve smoked some great Mac 1 and believe it to be the real cut and it was not orange at all but was like a cream/grapefruit mix. No orange flavor at all or I wouldn’t like it. I too have that pack of seeds Mac v2 I am so busy with other shit I don’t know when I’ll get to to them but I kinda forgot I had em til you made this post lol.
If I’m not mistaken @BobThe420Builder is growing it out. Is he still a member here? I can’t seem to tag him. Or maybe he has me on ignore. I’m very interested to see how it turned out & the flavor profile
Citrus is a vague term....oranges, pineapples, lemons and more can be called citrusy.
I have to add detail because I vouched for the orange flavor in the caps cut. It tastes/smells like orange smarties candy to me. It's not like the typical tart acidic fruit flavor we might envision when talking about citrus weed, but a creamier artificial orange flavor.