Mads first grow. Put on a pot of coffee this is gonna be a long one.



Where do I start...

Well I'm a first timer. I haven't grown anything up until Three months ago. I started with tomatoes to get a feel for what growing is like since I hadn't grown anything before. I placed an order on Attitude (great service I must say) for ten White Widow and 1 LA Woman seeds after I felt confident in the skills I learned from the horticulture classes I took on YouTube and RIU :-)

I have been growing 7 WW's for exactly 5 weeks today. I will post the sizes and pictures after I do my measurements. They are held back one weeks growth… :roll: I started them in generic nut free soil with perlite and compost but I had bugs right off the bat. so….. I transplanted them at the beginning of week two into Fox Farms Ocean Forest and holy crap they are doing great. What I did was I emptied the 16oz cup they were in and shook all the dirt off of the roots (salvaged all the roots I could) and planted them carefully into FFOF. Believe it or not I had ZERO shock from the transplant.

I started them on Fox Farms nutrients (1/4 Strength) on the beginning of week three. On week three I planted the last three of 10 White Widows one did not germ and one Chronic bag seed. I started the new seedlings on the 1/4 Strength nutes and moved everything up to 3/4 later that week. I was told by a friend that grows that I was crazy for going with nutes right away but these babies are flying.

So far I have had zero issues with my grow.

Now here is where my grow gets complicated. This started like CSI the Original… but I couldn’t help myself and in a few weeks I'm starting my New York and Miami if you know what I mean ;)

I found out "420" was the coupon for Attitude so I couldn’t help myself :roll: and I ordered AK and Bubblelicious. They should be here in a week or two so I will update that while I update this!


Living in an apartment this doesn’t seem like the best idea but my land lord comes around twice a year to check fire alarms so il be working around that. And all I gotta do is tell them over the phone that they work and they don’t come knocking.

My grow spaces (NOT STEALTH) yet…

Veg box Dimensions: 4' tall x 4'4" long x 2' Deep (will have pics up soon)
Current lighting 4 x 4' fluorescent tube lights. 2 Soft White, 2 Warm white. (For now)
I plan on making a stealth veg box somehow in the future. I might get one of those "Home box" things or a "Grow Lab" idk yet.

Flowering box Dimensions: 6' Tall x 5' Long x 3' Deep (will have pics up soon)
This box is completely sealed except the door I need to make lol. It has one 4mm clear plastic lining. Soon it will have a second layer of white poly and then maybe Mylar.
Smell won't be a problem with this setup. I will be using multiple carbon filters and one powerful vapor odor neutralizer that’s made to treat 400 square feet.
How I plan on stealthing this! I plan on making this box look like an armoire. (trust me… it will work)

Feel free to comment, constructive criticism very welcome.

Im doing this because I need to get it out of my head. I try to explain this all to my girlfriend and she doesn’t care about the growing process only the smoking process :roll:


Well-Known Member
Congratulations on your first grow.

I would also like to commend you on doing your homework. Too many first time growers throw some bagseeds in a paper towel, then log on, and expect to be spoon fed.

No need to pester the girlfriend. Anytime you need to scratch that itch, log on. That is what this site is all about. Brag about your grow. Show us some photos. We love this shit.

One warning about girlfriends and growing: It may come to pass that your girlfriend starts to exhibit signs of jealousy regarding the amount of time you spend with your ladies.

Good luck and good growing.


Alright! I have taken the pictures and made the measurements for week #5!

Week 5
Grow #1
#1 White Widow - 9 1/2" *
#2 White Widow - 6 3/4"
#3 White Widow - 9" *
#4 White Widow - 11 1/2" **
#5 White Widow - 8 1/2" *
#6 White Widow - 7"
#7 LA Woman - 5 3/4"

Week 3
Grow #2
#8 White Widow - 3" **
#9 White Widow - 2 1/4" *
#10 White Widow - 1 1/2"
#11 White Widow - 2 1/4" *
#12 Chronic - 2"

Picture #1 My biggest plant (preying it’s a girl)
Picture #2 My second and third biggest plants (also hoping for girls)
Picture #3 Three of my new plants
Picture #4 The rest of the family



I just found out my building is going through a formal inspection today lol

I will continue this thread if im not in prison lawl


wow is all i can say.

This is the worst home inspection i have ever seen. by the time this guy was done which was 2 minutes i was almost laughing. he didnt even enter the grow room. LMAO