Magnetic Ballst Issues


I am running a 1000 watt Hortilux bulb with a 1000 watt Sun System Magnetic Ballast. My ballast has always buzzed since it is a magnetic, but tonight it started doing an on and off louder buzz. This scares me a bit having seen pictures of magnetic ballasts melting down. Should I be worried?

Also, I want to replace it soon regardless. I understand the differences between digital and magnetic and am open to both. Any recommendations on a new ballast?


Got it from someone else so not sure, but by what I know about it I think its about 2-3. I have been looking into Lumatek. Hmmm it seems to be a constant vibration buzz now, but it sounded worse than it ever has for the first 20 minutes it was on.


Well-Known Member
If you think things might be going awry just open 'er up and take a look. Some ballasts hum more than others and magnetic ballasts make much more noise than a digital. The variation in tone you hear might be the slight ups and downs in voltage we all experience on the grid...I use a couple digital ballasts now and am very satisfied. They're smaller, make no noise,produce much less heat and compensate for flucuations in electrical current on their own. It's an investment but make sure you buy one that's worth it. A discount is a discount and you'll still get what you pay for. IOW, go with a name brand you hear good things about. I have newer Lumatek ballasts so you know.