Mailing/Shipping Weed

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New Member
I have been researching lately on how to properly package weed for mailing it. Some statistics show that somewhere around 90 percent of the weed shipped through the mail goes undetected. I've gathered a lot of info about how to do it, about 2x vacuumed sealing it, using alcohol, using wax on packages, and double boxing it, then also heard that you should put another neighbor's return address just to be safe, also something with shipping USPS. Still, I want to be extra safe and just find a person who has done it before and got away with it, someone with experience that can give me a step-by-step guide on how to package it and mail it. That would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
I here it's best to get FirstClass mail or whatever it's called but pay the extra cash to overnight it don't think they got time to check it out at least that's how my mom used to send pills
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Never said it would not happen just that it more than likely not who has time when your trying to get something somewhere far overnight I'll take my odds as long as don't smell
Doesn't matter what you do if the xray it.

These are the chances you take.
I've had it sent to me in other countries and sent it to other European countries .
Of the 6 care packages I was sent 5 turned up and I never heard shit about the other one.

There's no fool proof way but you should at keast make every effort to not give anyone concerns enough to give it special attention.
I have been researching lately on how to properly package weed for mailing it. Some statistics show that somewhere around 90 percent of the weed shipped through the mail goes undetected. I've gathered a lot of info about how to do it, about 2x vacuumed sealing it, using alcohol, using wax on packages, and double boxing it, then also heard that you should put another neighbor's return address just to be safe, also something with shipping USPS. Still, I want to be extra safe and just find a person who has done it before and got away with it, someone with experience that can give me a step-by-step guide on how to package it and mail it. That would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
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Ship it with Fed-Ex or another private carrier, not the USPS. This is particularly true if you're shipping within a state where it's legal, Federally, it's still a crime to use the USPS. Back in the day (70's, Humboldt Co.) we would ship using Greyhound, but I don't think Greyhound does that anymore.
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