Hi! So this is my first autoflower grow and I'm currently 5 weeks into growth, the plant is still in its veg state, no sign of flowers yet! I gave them their regular (every two days) feeding before I went into work at 12 today and all of them looked amazing and healthy! I came back 5 hours later to check on them and noticed leaves on my GSC auto were wilted and curling upwards.
I went to water it with rainwater to cure what I presumed was the excessive heat today.. after a slight shower I took away the supports that I've been using to keep the plant from stretching too long and falling over... that's when I noticed that the main stem had been bent a considerable Amount off inbetween that time! I ALSO had a problem with crickets and grasshoppers getting to this flower at its early stage, where you can notice nibbling of the leaves
,that problem was addressed 12 days ago with a mesh cover and towels covering any openings! My question is: is this baby saveable with it being propped back up! Should I tape it to the support sticks for increased stability? Should I scrap the plant and plant another in its place before the summer season is up?!