Maine Medicinal Patient needs help with seed germination!!!


Hey, So i just picked up a bunch of new strains and needed to know what people recommend on germinating them. I have five of the color coded fem seeds from greenhouse and i was wondering how i should germinate them, usually ill put them in water overnight but they have the coating on them so i was wondering if anyone has used them and how they germ'd them, like just put them in the soil or a seperate cup of water for each strain and then use the water to wet the medium its goin in? any ideas helpful! thaanks guys.


Well-Known Member
This method should see a 100% germination rate. it works for me.

* one small square plate with a rim (I use a 9 x 9 inch glass microwave plate)
* one jumbo-size sealable plastic baggie
* spray bottle

Place 3 sheets of paper towel flat on the plate. Distribute your seeds on the top of the sheets
and leave a good 1 1/2 inch or so between seeds. Fill spray bottle with room temp. water and spray
the seeds and the entire top of the paper towels until the whole top is soggy. Place 3 more paper
towels right on top of the first 3 and re-spray until all is soggy. Place plate and all into big baggie and seal.
Check after 2 days and every day after until you have white shoots an inch or longer.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Active Member
i have problems when i germinate. i go straight into medium, water once and the moisture should hold until seed sprouts.